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ToggleTree removal laws & permits Pasco FL
A Tree Removal Permit is required for the removal of all trees with a trunk of five (5) inch diameter at breast height (dbh) or greater trees, except in the following circumstances:
Removal by agents of a utility for overhead and underground utility service, including distribution, collection and transmission lines, and pipelines subject to the following limitations:
a. Pruning or trimming a tree inconsistent with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 300A 2001, as amended, is prohibited.
b. Removal of trees eighteen (18) inches dbh and larger within corridors and/or easements shall require notification, prior to removal, by telephone to the County Administrator or designee and notification to the property owner and/or occupant at least three (3) business days prior to removal.
If you do require a permit, you must submit an application which costs a $30 – $50 processing fee depending on your block size.
There are three Central Permitting departments that you can bring your application to:
8731 Citizens Drive Suite 230 New Port Richey (727) 847-8126
14236 6th Street Suite 203 Dade City (352) 521-4279
4111 Land O Lakes Boulevard Land O Lakes (813) 929-2749