The price for pine tree removal can differ significantly based on the species of pine, its size, and where it’s situated on your property.

The average cost of pine tree removal is $1,377. On the low end, you might pay as little as $650, but if you have a monster 100 ft pine tree it could cost closer to $5,950.

Let’s have a look at what adds to the cost of pine tree removal and where you might be able to save some money.

A small pine tree under 15 ft. would cost between $150 and $350. This would also include stump removal. These are trees that are the height of a single-story house or less.

This would be a pine tree 20 – 30 ft high and would cost an average of $750. At this stage of the tree growth it would still be considered juvenile and not yet fully developed.

This would be a fully developed tree up to 50 ft high. The biggest Radiata pines and conifers would top out at this high but would continue to grow in girth and spread. You would pay from $1000 to $2700 depending on the type of pine, its location on your property and its branch spread.

This size tree would mostly include Norfolk Island pines that would range in height from 50 – 100 ft. high. These are true monsters and would cost $3000 + to remove.

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Average cost of pine tree removal?

There are 3 main types of pine trees the Radiata pine, the Norfolk Island pine and the conifer or cypress pine. Below are the national averages for their removal.

What adds to the cost of pine tree removal?

There are three things that add to the cost of any tree removal including pine trees, they are:

Location of the tree

The location of your pine tree on your property can add a significant amount to the cost of removal. Take for example a large Norfolk Island pine that is in the front yard of a property as opposed to the rear of the property, with poor access.

Because it is so difficult to get equipment up close to the Pine tree in the rear of your property, it will take a lot more manual labor to get it down on the ground and out the front to haul away.

Trees at the front of properties can be removed using elevated work platforms (EWP) or the assistance of a crane. This heavy equipment speeds up the process of pine tree removal dramatically and also reduces costs for the customer.

Pro tip: If you can allow rear access to the tree service professional by removing a section of fence and lowering them in through either a neighbor’s yard or a rear Street it will dramatically reduce the cost of removing your Pine tree.

Height of the tree

The height of the tree is an obvious one and the more tree there is to remove, the more it is going to cost you. Please see above for prices for removing small, medium, and large pine trees from your property.

Number of branches and spread

This is not so much a factor in conifers and Norfolk Island pine trees. They generally have a standard number of branches and spread of the tree, but you can definitely affect the cost of removing a Radiata pine.

Radiata pines can grow very large branches and have a substantial spread on them.

Depending on the obstacles around the trees such as power lines, fences, sheds, or homes this would add to the cost of removal.

Trunk size

The size of a tree trunk is generally in direct proportion to the height of the tree. As the tree grows, the trunk will grow thicker to support its size. The taller the tree, the bigger the trunk, the more it will cost to remove.

trunk size infographic

Stump removal

If you’re going to be removing the stump of your Pine tree as well, it’s going to cost a little bit more money. I suggest you get it all done at the same time as it will cost less as a combined package, rather than getting someone in later on just to grind the stump.

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Can I get a pine tree removed free?

There are a couple of techniques that could allow you to have your Pine tree removed for free.

I must warn you though it is rare, under the right circumstances, it can happen.

Lumber company – If you have a large number of pine trees on your property that are easily accessible and easily felled (small farm or a large block of land) you could ring around several lumber companies and see if they’ll remove the Pine trees free, in exchange for the timber.

In some cases, it is worth their while and they will come to the party. I doubt you would get them in for a single tree on a residential property. It is just not worth the time for the amount of timber they would get out of the tree.

Free suburban tree removal for timber exchange – I have seen ads in the past on Gumtree and eBay promoting free firewood for anyone willing to remove the tree themselves.

To be honest I’m not sure how successful those bids were. Firewood can be expensive, but so can tree removal. I just don’t think it is going it happen unless you live in a small rural community and you know someone who is looking for firewood.

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DIY pine tree removal to save money

Many people do attempt to remove pine trees themselves to save money. It’s certainly not a bad idea if you have experience with a chainsaw and the trees are not too large.

I would only suggest you attempt this on Conifers and not attempt to remove a Norfolk Island pine or Radiata pines. It takes a lot more skill and experience to remove these trees. As conifers are made up of several vertical trunks, it won’t be too difficult.

In the case of DIY Conifer removal, I do not suggest you attempt removing anything larger than 15 – 20 feet high. Too much can go wrong and the bigger the tree the harder they do fall.

Cost of chainsaw hire

Unless you have your own chainsaw, it will cost you about $70 for a half-day hire of a chainsaw or around $120 for a full day.

If you are not going to keep the timber yourself you should be able to sell it on eBay or Craigslist at a profit to recoup the money for the chainsaw hire.

DIY Pine tree removal is most economical when you are removing several trees. It is probably not worth your time and effort to remove a single small tree. By the time you hire the chainsaw and do all the work yourself, you’re really not going to save that much money.

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Specialized pine tree removal services

Tree services do not generally specialize in one tree species or another. I have seen some companies that do advertise palm tree work only, but in most cases, a qualified arborist or tree service in your local area will service all types of trees.

You will not need to seek out a pine tree removal specialist, but just your average run-of-the-mill tree services or arborist. I have a good article on how to hire a tree removal service which will help you find a good deal on local tree removal companies.

This is actually a good thing because the more highly specialized any profession, the more it will cost. This way you have a lot more choices which means in the end you will pay less.

How many estimates should I get?

You should never let any tradesman talk you into accepting their offer or price before you’ve had a chance to see what the rest of the market is offering.

You find there are a lot of really nice chaps going around in the tree service industry and the more quotes you get, the better chance you have of getting a better price and a high quality of service.

That being said, generally, once you’ve had three or four quotes you should have got a decent price between them. I wouldn’t waste too much time trying to get 10 or 15 estimates, as it rarely results in saving and a huge amount of money.

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Why use Go Tree Quotes?

GoTreeQuotes is a FREE service that matches you with the best price tree service in your area based on the votes of previous uses.

Simply enter the details of your pine tree removal job, and we get the top 3 local tree removal specialists to give you a price.

There is no obligation to hire, but it is definitely worth getting a price from them.

This real-time running list of best-priced local companies has proven time and time again to net customers great prices on tree removal and pruning.

Cheap pine tree removal

Cheap pine tree removal is no myth, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce the price of removing your Pine tree. One of the biggest ones is to get your tree removed in the off-season.

Hire in the colder months

Most tree services are extremely busy during the spring and summer, yet the workload will drop off in the winter and autumn months. You are best at waiting until the colder months to have your Pine tree removed as it can save you easily between 20 and 30%.

Get quotes from cheap companies

The first 3 tree companies you come across on Yelp or Google are not always the best ones to go with. It is no accident you found them first!

They spend a lot of money each month to be in those top positions so you see them first. They also have to recoup the large amounts of money they spend on marketing. That means you will pay more.

Don’t be afraid to check out companies on page 2. They will be just as qualified and skilled but at a fraction of the cost.

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Try this first

Go Tree Quotes has a real-time curated list of the best-priced tree services in each city.

Once you have filled out the two-minute form, give us a little more information on your tree job. We can get one of those companies to price your job so you can see how they stack up against other quotes you might already have.

Customers and enjoy savings up to 43% off the cost of pine tree trimming or removal by using go tree quotes.

Best of luck with your tree job.


Despite a common concern of many people, pine tree roots grow down rather than out, this means that you have to worry less about pine trees being in your backyard or near your home.

Due to pine being a softwood, the stump roots a lot quicker than other trees. The time also depends on the prior condition of the tree and the condition of the area around it. However, you can expect a pine tree stump to rot in around three years.

Applying a herbicide such as glyphosate is the quickest and easiest way to ensure that the pine tree roots will not regrow. Alternatively, you can dig up the roots and remove them but you have to be thorough and make sure you remove the whole system.

Due to pine trees being slow-growing trees, generally, the stump will never regrow. It is possible that it may happen on occasion if the root system is completely intact but it is highly unlikely.

Although pine roots tend to grow down rather than spread out, it is important that you plant the trees far enough away that the roots can fully develop. If the roots hit the foundation then this stops the growth and can slowly kill the tree. Take into consideration the type of pine tree and its fully grown height when calculating the distance, but try to stick to around twenty feet away if possible.

No, because the roots grow straight down they should have little to no impact on your foundation.

Because the wood is used for making furniture, flooring and other such items, pine trees can be worth a good amount of money, especially if you have a large number of trees that can be taken away at the same time. But you will need to find the right business or contractor for them to give you an exact price.

It will depend on the type of tree you have as some wood is more desirable than others. But if you have a tree that you want to remove but can’t afford to pay, then get in touch with an arborist or logging company and explain your situation, you may have a tree worth removing for free. Additionally, if the tree is causing problems with power cables or something similar, you can try calling the power company or whichever company is in charge and they will often pay to have the tree removed themselves.

Tree removal is a dangerous job. It requires heavy-duty equipment and highly skilled professionals to get the job done without any accidents. As well as the cost of labor, the cost of insurance also increases the price. Due to the high risk involved for anyone removing trees, insurance premiums come at a high price. All of these costs add up and can make tree removal seem like expensive work.

If you have a tree that has died or is diseased then you have the option to cut it down. However, even in this case, you can leave the tree as long as it is not going to cause a safety risk. If you think that the tree could fall and damage property or cause harm, then it is time for the tree to go. If the tree has died but poses no threat then it is best to speak to a professional to find out if the tree should be cut down or left.

One of the more accurate ways of doing this is by walking backward away from the tree. Stop walking once you can see the top of the tree at a forty-five-degree angle, you can use your arm to measure the angle. Now add the distance between you and the tree, and your own height to get a rough but good estimate of the height of the tree. This works best if the ground is as flat as possible so as to not mess with the angles.

Yes, the cheapest time for tree removal is in the winter. There are a couple of reasons for this. The deciduous trees are a little easier to work on as they do not have any leaves. They are lighter and there is less clean-up at the end. The biggest reason though is there is a lot less demand for tree services in winter. With an over-supply of companies and a low demand, tree companies will bid lower and lower prices to win the work. This puts you in a pole position to get some great quotes on your tree job.

You can try, but in most cases the tree service will need to come out and view the job first. Every tree is different and so is the difficulty or ease to remove. A tree contractor will need to take into consideration not only the tree itself, but also the access, location on property and obstacles around the tree. This is impossible to quote from a photo or a description over the phone.

Generally, the answer is no. If the tree has fallen in a storm, your homeowner’s insurance will cover it, but if it is healthy and you just want it removed, you are going to be hard-pressed to find someone willing to work for free. Tree service companies are expensive to run as they have large overheads with insurance and labor costs. They will need to charge you to do the work to make a living.

This will depend on the council laws on tree removal in your area. Every local council has what’s called a Tree Preservation Order. This outlines the rules regarding tree removal. An example of a rule might be; “If the tree has a trunk circumference of 1.0m or more when measured at 1m above ground level will need a permit for removal.” To see the TPO for your area go here.

Trees that are 100 ft. or more in height will cost $2,400 on average to remove. There are 100’s of different species of trees and each will come with different price tags. Other factors that will add to the cost of removal are access to the tree and the tree service you hire to do it. Be sure to shop around to secure a good deal.

Pine trees come in different shapes and sizes. For the sake of this question, we are going to look at a 50 ft. spruce-type pine. A 50-foot pine will cost you between $890 and $1,780 depending on the access to the tree and its location on your property. Trees that can be felled from the base are a lot cheaper than trees that need a climber or a cherry picker to remove.

Pine trees come in different shapes and sizes. For the sake of this question, we are going to look at a 50 ft. spruce-type pine. A 50-foot pine will cost you between $890 and $1,780 depending on the access to the tree and its location on your property. Trees that can be felled from the base are a lot cheaper than trees that need a climber or a cherry picker to remove.

Ben McInerney
Author: Ben McInerney - Ben is a qualified arborist with 15 plus years of industry experience in Arboriculture. He ran a successful tree service before turning to writing and publishing. Ben is dedicated to providing users with the most accurate up-to-date information on everything trees.