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Tree removal laws & permits Miami FL
Can I remove existing trees from my property?
No person, agent, or representative thereof, directly or indirectly shall remove or relocate any tree situated on any property described in section 17.3 without first obtaining a tree removal permit, unless exempted by the regulations.
If a tree is dead or poses an immediate hazard to persons or property, it can be removed without a permit.

Can I trim my trees?
A tree permit is required for tree pruning of more than 25 percent of the canopy, crown, or living foliage of a tree or other pruning not in accordance with the ANSI A-300 Standards shall be allowed upon presentation of a letter to the city, to be validated by a certified arborist, with justification as to why the ANSI A-300 Standards are not applicable.
(3) Pruning of the canopy, crown, or living foliage of a tree, in strict accordance with ANSI A300 Standards, shall be allowed without a permit. A certified arborist letter or other documentation may be required.
Tree removal ordinance MIAMI FL
Miami-dade landscape code
More Information
Email: EnvironmentalRes@miamigov.com
Phone: 305-416-1416
Tree removal laws & permits Miami-Dade FL
It is illegal for any local tree removal service in Miami to remove or destroy any tree in Miami-Dade County without first obtaining a permit from the Department.
The following activities are exempt from tree removal permits
a. Removal of trees within the yard area of an existing single-family residence, provided the trees are not specimen trees.
b. Removal of trees for the construction of a new single-family residence, provided that:
(i) The lot is one (1) acre or less in size (43,560 square feet) if an AU zoned lot, or one-half (½) acre or less in size (21,780 square feet), for any other zoned lot; and
(ii) The lot is being developed as the principal residence of the owner-builder; and
(iii)The lot is not within an area designated as a natural forest community; and
(iv)The trees are not specimen trees.
c. Removal of any dead tree

Removal of any of the following tree species
Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island pine)
Bauhinia purpurea (Orchid tree)
Bauhinia variegata (Orchid tree)
Calophyllum antillanum (Mast wood)
Eugenia uniflora (Surinam cherry)
Hibiscus tiliaceus (Mahoe)
Metopium toxiferum (Poisonwood)
Murraya paniculata (Orange jasmine)
Pittosporum pentandrum (Taiwanese cheesewood)
Pongamia pinnata (Tallow tree)
Pouteria campechiana (Eggfruit)
Psidium cattleianum (Cattley guava)
Psidium guajava (Guava)
Syzygium cumini (Java plum)
Syzygium jambos (Rose apple)
Terminalia catappa (Tropical almond)
Washingtonia spp. (Washington’s palm)
Removal of any tree which has been destroyed or effectively destroyed by an Act of God, or by acts outside of the control of any person.
Tree removal ordinance for Miami-Dade County FL
List of prohibited plant species in the county
A list of controlled species
Tree removal laws & permits Miami Beach FL
No person shall cut down, destroy or remove any tree in Miami without first obtaining a permit.
You can request a permit but going to the link below and filling in the application.

Tree Removal and Preservation Ordinance
Tree removal permit application form Miami Beach FL
Miami city Contact
17050 NE 19th Avenue North Miami Beach, FL 33162-3194
(305) 948-2965
(305) 919-3708
Tree removal laws & permits Homestead FL
You are not permitted to remove a tree in Homestead without first obtaining a permit from the city.
The City of Homestead’s Department of Development Services handles all tree-related permits. Applications are available online or at the Building Division permit counter in City Hall, 100 Civic Court, Homestead, Florida, or 305-224-4500.

Tree removal ordinance Homestead FL
Tree removal permit application form Homestead FL
City of Homestead
100 Civic Court
Homestead, FL 33030
Tree removal laws & permits North Miami FL
A tree removal permit is required to remove any tree in North Miami.
It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to cut down, destroy, remove, or move effectively through damaging, any tree within the City without first obtaining a permit to do so.
All trees removed must be replaced with an equal amount of one hundred (100) percent of the tree canopy.

Tree removal permit application form North Miami FL
17050 NE 19th Avenue North Miami Beach, FL
33162-3194 (305) 948-2965 (305) 919-3708
Tree removal laws & permits Coral Gables FL
Residents are not permitted to remove trees in Coral Gables without first obtaining a tree removal permit.
Once obtained, you are required to hire a qualified arborist to carry out the work.

Tree removal ordinance for Coral Gables FL
Tree removal permit application form Coral Cables FL
Coral Gables City Hall
405 Biltmore Way
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Tel: 305-446-6800
Florida Counties
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Coral Gables
Tree removal laws & permits in Miami FL
Can I remove existing trees from my property?
No person, agent, or representative thereof, directly or indirectly shall remove or relocate any tree situated on any property described in section 17.3 without first obtaining a tree removal permit, unless exempted by the regulations.
If a tree is dead or poses an immediate hazard to persons or property, it can be removed without a permit.
Can I trim my trees?
A tree permit is required for tree pruning of more than 25 percent of the canopy, crown, or living foliage of a tree or other pruning not in accordance with the ANSI A-300 Standards shall be allowed upon presentation of a letter to the city, to be validated by a certified arborist, with justification as to why the ANSI A-300 Standards are not applicable.
(3) Pruning of the canopy, crown, or living foliage of a tree, in strict accordance with ANSI A-300 Standards, shall be allowed without a permit. A certified arborist letter or other documentation may be required.
Tree removal ordinance MIAMI FL
Miami-dade landscape code
More Information
Email: EnvironmentalRes@miamigov.com
Phone: 305-416-1416
Tree removal laws & permits Miami-Dade FL
It is illegal for any local tree removal service in Miami to remove or destroy any tree in Miami-Dade County without first obtaining a permit from the Department.
The following activities are exempt from tree removal permits
a. Removal of trees within the yard area of an existing single-family residence, provided the trees are not specimen trees.
b. Removal of trees for the construction of a new single-family residence, provided that:
(i) The lot is one (1) acre or less in size (43,560 square feet) if an AU zoned lot, or one-half (½) acre or less in size (21,780 square feet), for any other zoned lot; and
(ii) The lot is being developed as the principal residence of the owner-builder; and
(iii)The lot is not within an area designated as a natural forest community; and
(iv)The trees are not specimen trees.
c. Removal of any dead tree
Removal of any of the following tree species
Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island pine)
Bauhinia purpurea (Orchid tree)
Bauhinia variegata (Orchid tree)
Calophyllum antillanum (Mast wood)
Eugenia uniflora (Surinam cherry)
Hibiscus tiliaceus (Mahoe)
Metopium toxiferum (Poisonwood)
Murraya paniculata (Orange jasmine)
Pittosporum petandrum (Taiwanese cheesewood)
Pongamia pinnata (Tallow tree)
Pouteria campechiana (Eggfruit)
Psidium cattleianum (Cattley guava)
Psidium guajava (Guava)
Syzygium cumini (Java plum)
Syzygium jambos (Rose apple)
Terminalia catappa (Tropical almond)
Washingtonia spp. (Washington’s palm)
Removal of any tree which has been destroyed or effectively destroyed by an Act of God, or by acts outside of the control of any person.
Tree removal ordinance for Miami-Dade County FL
List of prohibited plant species in the county
A list of controlled species
Tree removal laws & permits Miami Beach FL
No person shall cut down, destroy or remove any tree in Miami without first obtaining a permit.
You can request a permit but going to the link below and filling in the application.
Tree Removal and Preservation Ordinance
Tree removal permit application form Miami Beach FL
Miami city Contact
17050 NE 19th Avenue North Miami Beach, FL 33162-3194
(305) 948-2965
(305) 919-3708
Tree removal laws & permits Homestead FL
You are not permitted to remove a tree in Homestead without first obtaining a permit from the city.
The City of Homestead’s Department of Development Services handles all tree-related permits. Applications are available online or at the Building Division permit counter in City Hall, 100 Civic Court, Homestead, Florida, or 305-224-4500.
Tree removal ordinance Homestead FL
Tree removal permit application from Homestead FL
City of Homestead
100 Civic Court
Homestead, FL 33030
Tree removal laws & permits in North Miami FL
A tree removal permit is required to remove any tree in North Miami.
It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to cut down, destroy, remove, or move effectively through damaging, any tree within the City without first obtaining a permit to do so.
All trees removed must be replaced with an equal amount of one hundred (100) percent of the tree canopy.
Tree removal permit application form North Miami FL
17050 NE 19th Avenue North Miami Beach, FL
33162-3194 (305) 948-2965 (305) 919-3708
Tree removal laws & permits in Coral Gables FL
Residents are not permitted to remove trees in Coral Gables without first obtaining a tree removal permit.
Once obtained, you are required to hire a qualified arborist to carry out the work.
Tree removal ordinance for Coral Gables FL
Tree removal permit application from Coral Cables FL
Coral Gables City Hall
405 Biltmore Way
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Tel: 305-446-6800
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